We are thrilled to welcome you to the new CIPA site, now primarily hosted at www.cipatoday.com.
The site offers a variety of resources both to members and the public. Please take advantage of the educational information available, and check back often for news and updates.
Some highlights of the new site include:
- The ability to join CIPA online as a Supporting Member for only $10. For more information about CIPA membership levels, click here.
- Information about CIPA events and a frequently updated calendar.
- The resource section for CIPA members includes business and policy resources, member-controlled profile pages and material about the CIPA Political Action Committee.
- Full and Associate Members can access the Member Directory, upload their logo and update email preferences, access current and archived newsletters in one convenient location and see event registration and teleconference information.
Please take advantage of this new site, and let us know if you encounter any problems by emailing judd@combest-sell.com.